About closures from July to August

To all dolphin lovers and visitors for Dolphin Resort, Wakayama Pref.


Because of repair and maintenance of our facility, We Dolphin Resort decided to suspend operations in summer season from July 1st to August 31st.


We feel very sorry for suspension of the operations in your summer holiday season and apologize to all of our guests who have made reservations and planned visits in the hopes of interacting with dolphins.


We will provide temporary guidance to guests who have made reservations individually.


Although we are intending to reopen the facility in September, suspension may extend depend on the progress of the renovation works. Please check our website about detailed schedule.


During the suspension of the facility, we will continue to distribute the latest information on animals in Dolphin Resort on the social media accounts.


We would appreciate your understanding and hope to have a good summer holiday.


Best regards


Dolphin Resort